The Publisher Discovery platform is based on an advanced AI / Machine learning engine
The platform contains analysis of over 300 affiliate networks, many thousands of online advertisers and millions of affiliate websites in all active markets globally. Currently this includes:
- Over three million publisher websites using affiliate links
- Over 2.7 billion links, which refer visitors to...
- Over 460,000 advertiser programs
The data is generated independently of affiliate networks' own data using backlink analysis tools and processes. This is supplemented by additional data to display a Traffic Score and social and email links discovered; the machine learning delivers a Relevance Score to show the most relevant potential partners.
This enables users to check the websites showing within their own affiliate programs - as well as discovering which affiliate sites are linking to competitors. Checking the Gap gives an immediate and actionable list of target publishers to check and recruit.
The entire platform and the tools are driven by advanced AI and Machine Learning, based on patented processes.
See more in this short video:
Read more on the main website
The Publisher Discovery® Brand
Publisher Discovery® is the trading name and the Registered Trademark of Cloudfind Limited, company registered in England.
The Publisher Discovery Team
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